Loan Application
This section describes the Loan Application process, including:
Requesting a new loan by creating a new Application
Tracking the existing Applications
Checking the Loan Details
The process to navigate through the Cion Digital Crypto Loan Marketplace to get the best-suited smart contract-based loan is defined here:
Post successful login, click on ‘Crypto Loan’ from the left menu.
The ‘Apply New Loan’ option is displayed with the following details pre-filled:
Loan ID - The loan identification number
Customer Name - The name of the borrower
Amount - The loan amount applied
Status - The status of the loan request
To request a new loan click ‘Apply New Loan’, and enter the following details:
Loan Amount
Select the cryptocurrency to be used as collateral for the loan and click Continue.
Select the loan option (AAVE) and click Continue.
On the next screen, enter the following borrower information:
Borrower’s full name
Email address
Contact number
After submitting the borrower’s information, the loan details should be reviewed.
Click Continue. The Success message is displayed.
Click Proceed to display the Loan details:
Loan details
Loan Provider - The loan provided e.g. AAVE
Loan Amount - The loan amount
Disbursal Amount - The amount to be disbursed in stablecoin.
Collateral needed - The crypto collateral needed.
Collateral locked - The crypto collateral locked
Max LTV - Maximum Loan to value in percentage
Current LTV (Loan to value) percentage
Health factor - The health factor is the numeric representation of the safety of the deposited assets against the borrowed assets and their underlying value. The higher the value, the safer is the state of the funds in case of liquidation.
APR (Annual percentage rate)
Term - The loan term
Status - Status of the loan transaction e.g. waiting for collateral
Transaction history
Type - Type of transaction e.g. deposit, withdraw
Asset - Cryptocurrency
Amount - Loan amount
Date - The date timestamp of the transaction
Status - The status of the transaction e.g. Processed Successfully.
Clicking on Deposit Collateral displays a pop-up where the user can scan the QR code or copy the address displayed and transfer the cryptocurrency.
Once the user deposits the collateral, the transaction history displays the transaction status.
For more questions, click here.
Last updated